Elementary Agriscience

Class Norms

In Class We...

L- Listen to and Follow Directions
E- Enter and Exit Prepared
A- Always Do Our Best
R- Respect Others & Ourselves
N- No Excuses

Unit: Leadership & Communication 

Hobie 2nd Grade- Winter Performance December 2017

Driving Question: What Makes a Good Leader?

January 8th-11th

  1. Learning Targets
    1. Identify and Define the characteristics of a good leader
  2. Success Criteria
    1. Identify 3 characteristics of a good leader
  3.  Reestablish Class Norms
  4. Form Teams
  5. Team Hula Hoop Levitation Challenge
  6. Project Launch
    1. Kid President- Awesome Leader
  7. Daily Wrap Up
    1. Exit Ticket: What can you do today to be an awesome leader?

    January 12th- February 9th:

    1. Learning Targets
      1. Apply the characteristics of leadership
      2. Think Creatively
      3. Utilize Systems Thinking
    2. Success Criteria
      1. Complete station work
      2. Identify principles of leadership you used at your station
    3. Team Challenges
      1. The Black Desks
        1. Students will complete their "What Makes and Awesome Leader" speech outlines
      2. Blue Rug
        1. Butterfly Origami Challenge
      3. Computers
      4. Lego Challenge: Build Something that Moves
        1. Students will watch 2 of the 4 leadership/problem solving/team building videos available and answer questions associated with those
      5. Make Tables
        1. Students will complete Lego Challenges
      6. Center Table
        1. This Instead of That Worksheet
          1. Turning negative phrases into positive ones
    4. Daily Wrap Up
      1. What is one this you learned from your work station today?
      2. What is one piece of advice you have for the next group?

    February 12th- February 15th:

    1. Learning Targets
      1. Produce results
    2. Success Critera
      1. Finish writing and practice your 1 min. Speech
    3. Activities
      1. Students will have the opportunity to finish writing and practice their speeches on a stage. 

    February 16th- February 27th: 

    1. Learning Targets
      1. Communicate Clearly
    2. Success Criteria
      1. Deliver 1 Minute Speech on "What Makes a Good Leader"
    3. Project Work:
      1. Speech Delivery

    Team Building & Garden Work:

    February 28th- March 8th 

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